Outdoor Rec GuideHunting
There is plenty of public land in the Poultney area open to hunters. Stop by the Town Clerk’s Office or William’s Hardware for your license, and check out Mart’s Sporting Goods on Main Street for supplies.
Birdseye Mountain Wildlife Management Area
Birdseye WMA is open to regulated hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking and wildlife viewing. This 3,640-acre parcel of public land is located approximately six miles west of Rutland in the towns of Ira, Castleton and Poultney.
Parking for the WMA is available at pull-offs on Birdseye Road and Ames Hollow.
Buczek Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Buczek Marsh WMA is open to regulated hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking and wildlife viewing. This 96-acre parcel of land is owned by the State of Vermont and managed by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.
Access to the WMA is a right-of-way footpath off Ferncliff Road in Poultney, Vermont.